Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 5 Results, and The Bucket List

Last week's number: 321.6 pounds
This week's number: 317.2 pounds (my lowest weight in five years!)
Week-to-week loss: 4.4 pounds
Net loss: 33.4 pounds

Given the challenges I've had over the past week, I'm very proud of this number.  That said, it could be better!  Now that I've unearthed the treadmill, I intend on using it.  Tomorrow night, it's on!

(Yes, I've said that earlier.  But this time it's a sure thing!)

As I reach the last hole in my belt (going in the right direction!) I'm focusing on goals I have for the future.  Beyond getting a new belt, that is.  Some of these are directly related to my weight loss; others are more personally or professionally oriented.  Without further ado, here goes (at least the G-rated stuff, anyway):

Make sure that the needs of my family are completely met, regardless of other activities.
Read the following every month:
All required reading for classes
All technical journals for the month
Follow along with my church's Bible reading schedule
At least two novels: one SF or fantasy (currently On Basilisk Station by David Weber) and one literary classic (currently Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon)
Two telescope observing sessions each month (weather and other scheduling demands permitting)

Within the next week:
Establish a daily schedule
Complete all outstanding household repairs (including kids' toys)
Finish the garage so I'll have my work/study area ready
Clear my side of the bedroom of everything that should be in my work/study area
Use the treadmill at least 20 minutes per day for 5 days out of 7
Climb the stairs at work 3 times per day

Within the next six months:
A net loss of 60 pounds or greater (62.5 pounds would put me halfway to my goal)
Use the treadmill at least 30 minutes per day, every day that it is available to me
Be able to run at least one mile
Complete the F-106 Delta Dart model I started in 2006
Complete my Puzz3D Millennium Falcon

Within the next year:
Reach my goal weight of 225 pounds (my weight when I graduated college)
Be able to run at least three miles
One hour of exercise (cardio and weight training) at least 5 days/week
Complete all core courses in my Masters program
Get my bike refurbished, and join the church riding club
Complete my Medieval Clock kit

End of 2014:
Finish my Masters program
Publish at least one technical article besides my thesis
Maintain my weight at 225 or lower
Compete in the Spartan Sprint (3 miles, 10 obstacles)
Attend at least one SF/Fantasy convention

Within the next five years:
Maintain my weight at 225 or lower
Work toward completing ASQ Fellow requirements
Compete in remaining Spartan events
Learn to play at least one musical instrument (leaning toward guitar, although I wouldn't mind starting over with the clarinet again)
Enroll in martial arts classes (judo, aikido, or shotokan karate) again
If feasible, begin either my doctorate or a community college teaching certificate

Retire from government service and become a college professor
Travel to at least one of the following countries: Canada, Japan, UK, Greece, Italy, any Southern Hemisphere country (probably Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa)
Complete the Astronomical League's Southern Hemisphere observing list (either in person or via remote telescope)
Get a work of fiction published

Ambitious?  Yes.  But why not plan big?  I've had enough of lowered expectations, especially from myself!


  1. So proud of you. And what you have accomplished so far. Looking forward to many years of us together! Healthy & strong, inside and out. XOXO love you

  2. Back at ya! Good luck today as you start your journey! We're going to get through this together and *both* be better people for our kids and ourselves!
